fyre festival

The Uber Dumpster Fire But Otherwise Relatively Boring Weekly Recap

Welcome to another edition of the weekly recap for Jetsetter’s Homestead.  This is our every Monday summary where we summarize what you might have missed in the past week.  If you like to skim a website, start here – you can find it all in one neat place.  (A little slice of our content, a…

Fyre Festival Debacle and Five Travel Planning Takeaways
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Fyre Festival Debacle and Five Travel Planning Takeaways

As my flight cruises high above the California desert, passing near Coachella, I can’t stop thinking (and laughing) about the giant music-festival-turned-dumpster-fire known as the Fyre Festival. The #fyrefraud was targeted at high net worth Millenials. It was supposed to be a two-weekend “luxury music festival”. Event organizers claimed the location, a private island in…