Yoga, Planes, and Lots of Rain… the Weekly Update

Its a rainy Sunday which means lazy blogging time on the media room sofa here at the homestead – perfect for catching up on my weekly update.
Its too wet and stormy to be on either of the porches so I’m curled up under a blanket with my tea and enjoying a bit of downtime before I head to yoga. I need it… I’m finishing up the last of the legacy work from my old firm and moving out of my old offices. With all the things coming home with me, it looks like an episode of Hoarders in the part of my house where I’ve been stacking boxes/bags of things that have shown up and it will realistically be June before I restore any order. I had originally planned on doing some organizing last night but after a great restorative yoga session yesterday, a spontaneous girls night out was a better plan.
I’ve been overdue getting back into some kind of workout routine. I went through a wave of stress fractures with distance running training in 2013-14 and then the toe I broke in the Denpasar airport in December sidelined me. And then I just got busy and stopped making time to go the gym… and then my clothes didn’t fit. Ouch. So now I’m forcing myself back into a routine… yoga 2-3 times a week plus weights and some elliptical cardio time. It is either that or go buy a new wardrobe… and I’d rather enjoy the cute clothes I already own and have figured out some of my favorite weekly packing combinations for!
This was a fun week to be an aviation junkie. I got lucky enough to squeeze the 787 inaugural into an existing business trip which brought out my inner geek. I learned a bit of information that will help me with strategy for future 787 flights… and more important, I caught up with my friends.
If you are flying in, out, or through DFW this weekend, you have my condolences! The area weather has caused plenty of disruption. And if you plan to fly through in the next ten days, keep your plans fluid and keep an eye on the weather. These pop-up storms have caused plenty of headaches (both literally due to the barometric pressure changes and figuratively due to flight changes). If you don’t subscribe to a service like ExpertFlyer, it might be a great week to try out a free trial if you are flying.
ExpertFlyer has saved my back on so many occasions by giving me the inside track on flight operations and availability. It is so much better to approach an agent for rebooking with full data… “We are so sorry, but can’t get you out until late tomorrow.” Oh really? “I see there is a flight leaving on another carrier in an hour… I’d be willing to connect in Chicago and there are seats open… can you put me on that?” Yep, it is definitely the insiders way to play the game!
The rest of my month looks like this, or so I think (as things are always subject to change in my world) – DFW-ATL-SYR-LGA-DFW then DFW-LAX-MIA-MCO-CLT-BUF-CLT-DFW then DFW-IAD-DFW-PEK-DFW-IAD-DFW-SFO-ORD-DFW It’s some crazy travel, but since I do some of my most productive work on airplanes and on the road, I am looking forward to the focused time up in the air. Hopefully I steer clear of crazy weather and disruptions, but also pick up great stories to share here!
Have a great week and safe travels to those flying!
lots lots lots of rain! But nice here in SJU